
bohort is an interactive REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) command-line tool (based on ptpython) shipped with aioipfs that allows the user to interact with kubo nodes and run commands through the HTTP RPC API.

pip install 'aioipfs[bohort]'


To connect to a kubo node, specify the multiaddr address of the RPC service, and the (optional) RPC credentials (otherwise the default RPC multiaddr, /dns4/localhost/tcp/5001, will be used).

bohort --maddr /ip4/

bohort --maddr /ip4/ --creds 'basic:john:password123'

bohort --maddr /ip4/ --creds 'bearer:some-token'

You can save the configuration parameters for a node with –save. Load a node configuration params by using –node or –load.

bohort --maddr /ip4/ --creds 'basic:john:password123' --save local

bohort --node local

If you don’t want to use a history file, pass –no-history.

bohort --no-history


All the aioipfs API coroutines are accessible from the REPL shell.

Because any expression you type in the shell is passed to Python’s eval(), to make an RPC call, you always need to “await” the call to any of the mapped coroutines.

Here are some prompt command examples:

await id()

print((await id())['AgentVersion'])

await bitswap_stat(verbose=True)

await files_ls('/')

await repo_gc()

(await swarm_peers())['Peers'].pop()

entries = await add('mydir', recursive=True, cid_version=1)

await add_json({'whatever': 12345})

await add_str('bohort')

If you do not store the result of a call in a variable, the result will be pretty-printed to the console.


The configuration file location (on Posix platforms) is: ~/.config/aioipfs/bohort/bohort.yaml

RPC methods

RPC params

You can set the default params that will be passed to specific RPC methods by defining the default coroutine keyword arguments for each method:

      recursive: true
      cid_version: 1
      cid_version: 1
      type: 'ed25519'
      size: 4096

If you pass a parameter for which you’ve set a default in the config, the default value won’t be used.


You can set a timeout (in seconds) for each RPC method:

    timeout: 60

REPL settings

  cursor_shape: Blink block
  input_prompt_color: ansigreen
  output_prompt_color: ansiyellow

  # Possible values: POP_UP, MULTI_COLUMN, TOOLBAR or NONE
  completion_visualisation: POP_UP

  color_scheme: default
  show_signature: true
  enable_history_search: true
  enable_auto_suggest: true
  complete_while_typing: false
  confirm_exit: false

Check out ptpython’s example for a description of all the settings.

REPL toolkit documentation

See ptpython and prompt-toolkit.